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Demystifying the Use of CION, SION, and XION Suffixes in Spanish

When it comes to learning the Spanish language, one of the intriguing yet often perplexing aspects is mastering the rules for words ending in “-cion,” “-sion,” and “-xion.” Before delving into these suffixes, let's start by understanding what nouns and adjectives are. Nouns, which can be thought of as names for people, animals, or things, play a crucial role in any language.

Irregular Verbs in the Spanish Language

Welcome to a captivating exploration of irregular verbs in Spanish! Unlock the secrets behind these linguistic puzzles as we guide you through their fascinating transformations. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced learner, our article unveils the patterns and connections that make mastering irregular verbs a rewarding endeavor. Let's dive in and unravel the richness of the Spanish language together!

10 Essential Spanish Verb Insights

Verbs in the Spanish language can be a bit confusing and complicated for Spanish students. But if you memorize some basic rules about Verbs, you will see that it is not that difficult to communicate in Spanish and you will do it much more easily.

Conjunctions y - e - o - u in Spanish language

Using and understanding the conjunctions and - e - o - u in the Spanish language is basic for any student of the Spanish language. And it's actually not very complicated. It's just to remember it and keep it in mind and soon you will see that you will be able to notice the differences when you write or speak in Spanish.

Points or Commas for numbers in Spanish

Do you put a period in numbers with more than three digits? Doubt often arises, not only for Spanish language students, but also for Latin speakers themselves. The symbol used for the thousands separator depends on the symbol used to separate the integer part from the decimal part, so that the symbols are not confused.

Rules to use Capital Letters in Spanish

The rules about which words can and cannot be capitalized in titles and other text vary depending on the language. Normal writing usually uses lowercase letters, although, for various reasons, you can write words, phrases and even entire texts entirely with capital letters; but the usual thing is that capital letters are used only in the initial position of the word, and their appearance is conditioned by different factors.

Spanish Words Esdrujulas SobreEsdrujulas Agudas and Graves

If you are a student of the Spanish language, you will have heard about words with accents that are very important, and the words "agudas, grave, esdrújulas and sobresdrújulas (as known in Spanish language)" are differentiated by their stressed syllables.

Verb Types in Spanish Language

In the Spanish language there are different types of verbs that can be classified in different ways. There are regular and irregular verbs, copulative, impersonal and personal, transitive and intransitive, reflexive and others. Even a type of verb can correspond to more than one category.

Rules to use the letters M and N

Words that contain the letters M or N in the Spanish language can easily mislead because they have a very similar sound, especially when they are accompanied by other letters. For Spanish language learners, learning this simple rule is important for writing and speaking Spanish.

Period, comma and semicolon in Spanish

The punctuation marks "period, comma and semicolon" respond to the need to order ideas according to their value when we express something in writing, this means that they allow the text to be hierarchized and decisively influence the narrative rhythm, in addition to contributing clarity to it, eliminating ambiguities or misunderstandings when they appear misplaced.

Differences Between Phrase and Sentence in Spanish

In order to improve our syntax and grammar we must know basic concepts and know how to differentiate them. Some Spanish students find it a bit confusing to analyze complex sentences because they have doubts about the base and the basic concepts, so one of the first things you must learn is to differentiate which are phrases and which are sentences.

How to conjugate verbs in Spanish

Here we share a brief guide on how to conjugate verbs in the Spanish language. We know that it can be confusing sometimes, but once you understand it, you will realize that it is not that complicated. Verbs with words that indicate action, existence, condition or state of a subject.

The meanings of the word “Article” in Spanish

The word "Articulo (Article)" has multiple meanings and uses in the Spanish language. If you are a student of the Spanish language, you will have noticed that these words are very frequently used. Although some of its meanings are merely technical, but you will certainly use several of them.

Adverbs in Spanish Language - part 2

We give continuity to the theme of Adverbs in the Spanish language. This is the second article to finish explaining how to use it and including some examples.

Adverbs in Spanish Language - part 1

The adverb in Spanish language is the invariable part of the sentence that can modify or complement the meaning of the verb, the adjective, another adverb or even a whole sentence.

Diacritical Accent in Spanish Language

The diacritical accent mark in the Spanish language is the graphic accent (written accent mark) that allows us to distinguish words with the same spelling, but which are words that have different meanings and belong to different grammatical categories.

More Tips to Learn Spanish

There are many tips for learning a new language, especially the Spanish language. We share some of them based on our years of experience teaching the Spanish language.

Spanish Words with two meanings Part 2

A second post with three examples on words that have different meanings in Spanish language but written in the same way. This can be easily confusing and by remembering the difference, it'll be easier to understand other ones.

Spanish words with two meanings - Part 1

In the Spanish language, there are many words that have different meanings, but they are written in the same way. This can be easily confusing. The trick to understanding is just to remember the difference.

Similar words in English and Spanish with different meanings - Part 3

For this third and last article, we’ll talk about “Career, Apartment, Compromise and Familiar”. We explain the last four examples of words we use everyday in English and Spanish that sound the same or almost the same but the meaning is somewhat different.

Similar words in English and Spanish with different meanings - Part 2

For the second article will talk “Approve, Eventually and Lecture”. We continue to explain some of the most common examples of English and Spanish words that sound the same or almost the same, so it is easy to confuse definitions for each.

Similar words in English and Spanish with different meanings - Part 1

For this first article will cover the words “Actually, Embarrassed and Realize”. As you know, there are many words that are the same or almost the same in English and Spanish, as soon as you hear it, you already know its meaning and even its pronunciation. But there are some exceptions that make Spanish language students confuse.

Rules to use Y and LL in Spanish

In Spanish, the words that are written with the letter 'Y' and the 'LL' often confuse the student of the Spanish language since they are pronounced in the same way, the sound is the same.

Rules to use the letter Z in Spanish

Understanding how to use the letter Z is a bit easier than the letters C and S, since the use of this letter is much more limited, and therefore, the rules on how to use it are just a few. The benefits of using the letters s, c and z correctly, will help you to create texts in Spanish with a better quality, without the need of advanced vocabulary.

Rules to use the letter S in Spanish

Just like it is with the letter C in Spanish language, the letter S is somewhat tricky to use when writing in Spanish, for the C, S and Z sometimes sound the same. A good spelling means a serious commitment to learning a new language. That is why we are sharing some basic rules and tips for you to write Spanish properly.

Rules to use the C letter in Spanish

There is a well-known difficulty in writing the letters C, S and Z in Spanish, since they are pronounced the same. A good spelling conveys a serious image of the text content you are presenting or sharing. That is why you must remember certain rules to write Spanish correctly.