Contact Us

Email us

Send us an email to the following email address. If you dont hear from use in 24 hours, please email us back again.

WhatsApp or Phone call

WhatsApp or phone +502 5735-4638

Address in Antigua Guatemala

Spanish Academy Antiguena
1a calle poniente # 10
Antigua Guatemala

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions. Please feel free to email us anytime to make your reservation. Or you could give us a call, we are happy to assist you.

If you wish to make your reservation, please wirte us a e mail with your request, you dont need to fill out a contact form, please just add emergency contact, name, e mail and country.


Join in with us to the experience of cultural and language growth.

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FAQ section

We have listed some of the most frequently asked questions our students share with us at the school. Find tips and suggestions when coming to the school

Frequently Asked Questions

Our location and Antigua Guatemala Map

Check our location and some other important spots in Antigua Guatemala, click the icon to enlarge.

Important Location Note

When you visit the school for the first time, please go directly to the center located at "1a Calle Poniente # 10 Antigua Guatemala GT", a few steps from La Merced Church. We highly recommend using the Google map to guide you in locating our central office. We have an annex facilities that are only for receiving classes.


$ 55 per person for private, safe and direct transportation from Guatemalan Airport to Antigua. $ 75 for 2 students. $ 25 per person if there are more than 2 students. You can also arrange transportation by yourself to take UBERS, taxis, collective shuttles, or public busses.