Antigüeña Blogs typical candies


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Guava Rings Traditional Candy Recipe

Guava Rings (known in Spanish as Colochos de Guayaba) are traditional Guatemalan sweets, and this one in particular is originally from Antigua Guatemala. These different and delicious sweets first emerged during Holy Week a long time ago, but over time this candy became popular throughout Guatemala.

Pepitoria Traditional Guatemala Sweet Recipe

The recipe for "Dulce de Pepitoria de Guatemala" is another of the typical Guatemalan sweets, and is also well known in Antigua Guatemala. It is a very traditional part of Guatemalan gastronomy because it is extracted from the pumpkin that is grown in the same way as the Guatemalan Ayote.

Mazapan Traditional Candy Guatemala Recipe

After the "Canillita de Leche", Marzipan (Mazapán as known in Guatemala) is perhaps the second most popular typical sweet in Guatemala. It is preferred and enjoyed by locals and foreigners throughout the year and especially during the patron saint festivities in the interior of the country.

Traditional Figs in Honey Guatemala Recipe

As in many recipes for typical Guatemalan sweets, "Higos en Miel" (Figs in Honey) is also easy to prepare, and these Guatemala Typical Candies are delicious. You can find them in any typical candy store, especially in Antigua Guatemala. But here we explain how you can do them yourself.

Traditional Coconut Sweet Guatemala Recipe

This is another of the typical Guatemalan sweets, also known as "dulce de conserva de coco" (in Spanish). One of the favorites not only for Guatemalans, but also for foreign tourists who visit Guatemala.

Milk Canillitas Guatemalan Typical Candy Recipe

Canillitas de Leche is a typical candy originally from Antigua Guatemala. It is customary to eat at the patronal fairs and it is very well known and popular by locals and foreigners. If you have tried the typical sweets of Guatemala, without a doubt you have tried the milk canillita.