Spanish School Blog Guatemala Pg 7

Easter Week 2022 Antigua Guatemala

Schedule for Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Antigua Guatemala for 2022, following Catholic Church’s tradition, Easter Week begins in Antigua Guatemala on Friday of Sorrows (Viernes de Dolores) representing the crucifixion sentence of Jesus Christ. The following dates are based on the Gregorian calendar for 2022 Easter Week in Antigua Guatemala.

Yoga in the Colonial City

For many of the visitors to Antigua Guatemala, yoga is a practice that harmoniously connects the mind and body. Many times, for a traveler, relaxing and disconnecting from their day to day is also one of their main goals when traveling, although it is not always entirely easy. That is why we dedicate a brief note to our visitors so that they can find a couple of options to continue practicing yoga while staying in this beautiful city.

Meaning of the word TRABAJO in Spanish Language

We define “Trabajo (work)” as the set of activities that are carried out with the objective of reaching a goal, solving a problem or producing goods and services to meet the needs of people and society.

How we use the word Amigo in Spanish

The word "Amigo" (friend) is a word that we all know very well and is undoubtedly widely used in any language, but it is especially used frequently in Latin America, and in particular in Antigua Guatemala. If you have visited the city, you will have noticed that it is a term used in many ways. We explain a little about its different uses.

The meanings of the word “Article” in Spanish

The word "Articulo (Article)" has multiple meanings and uses in the Spanish language. If you are a student of the Spanish language, you will have noticed that these words are very frequently used. Although some of its meanings are merely technical, but you will certainly use several of them.

Adverbs in Spanish Language - part 2

We give continuity to the theme of Adverbs in the Spanish language. This is the second article to finish explaining how to use it and including some examples.

Adverbs in Spanish Language - part 1

The adverb in Spanish language is the invariable part of the sentence that can modify or complement the meaning of the verb, the adjective, another adverb or even a whole sentence.

Ixquic Mayan Xibalba Goddess

In the sacred book or the bible of the K'iche Mayans, the name of Ixquic is well known, this goddess is also known as Xkik 'or Mayan mother goddess of the Underworld Xibalba, she is the one who gave birth as a virgin to two twin gods called Hunahpú and Ixbalanqué. The beliefs of the Mayans about death consisted that, when they died, they only left the earthly level to go to another, and one of these levels is the Mayan underworld called "Xibalbá"