Spanish School Blog Guatemala Pg 26

Mayolica Ceramic in Antigua Guatemala - Part 2

The Mayolica Ceramic is an important part Guatemalan culture today, an important heritage of the Spanish colony of centuries ago.

Mayolica Ceramic from Antigua Guatemala Part 1

The ‘Mayolica Ceramic’ is a kind of glazed pottery that has been produced since the 16th century in Guatemala, specially in Antigua Guatemala (Santiago de Guatemala by those days), San Miguel Totonicapán and in Guatemala City (the capital).

Pepian Recipe Guatemala

This is the traditional Guatemala Meat Spicy Stew, which is seen by most Guatemalans as the national dish. It is basically meat and vegetables in a thick and rich sauce, with a combination of roasted spices like pepitoria and sesame seeds and many others very well blended together.

Guatemala Coffee

Global coffee is one of the worlds most important and traded commodity today, it is worth around $60 billion us dollars a year and Guatemalan coffee is one of the most recognized and preferred by the coffee lovers.

Cacao - Chocolate from Guatemala

The real origin of Chocolate (cacao - the original Mayan name was ‘Kakau’) is actually from Central America and Guatemala is the epicenter of it, the native indigenous call cacao the ‘Gods Heritage’ and ‘The food of the Gods’.

Movie Quote Translated - 4 Weddings and a Funeral

Following the idea of practicing the Spanish Language by translating popular well known movie quotes, we are translating and explaining a little bit about two famous quotes from one classic Romantic-Comedy film, this is ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’.

5 Reasons to Learn Spanish in Antigua Guatemala

There are a few good reasons why coming to Antigua Guatemala to study Spanish is better than other countries in Latin America and even Spain. So we would like to share 5 reasons for you to consider...

Typical Guatemalan Candies

Canillitas de leche (milk canillitas), Zapotes, Colochos de Guayaba and Camotes… these are just a few of many many candies that you can find in Antigua Guatemala. Each one has a unique flavor and texture, yet some of them share a few key ingredients like condensed milk and cinnamon.