Spanish School Blog Guatemala Pg 13

Nicknames for Personal Names in Latin-american Culture

Nicknames or "apodos" in Latin America and Guatemala are very common, they are regularly associated with a personal characteristic. But many these nicknames in Spanish language are specifically related to the personal name.

Business meetings expressions in Spanish - Part 2

We continue with the second chapter on the expressions that we commonly use in work meetings in Spanish. These phrases are essential to be able to communicate with our colleagues in a working meeting in Spanish.

Common Phrases at Work in Spanish - Part 1

One of the reasons why some students learn the Spanish language is to expand their career opportunities. Therefore, it is important to know key phrases to use or understand in a meeting where the Spanish language is spoken.

Homonym Words in Spanish Language

Homonym words are those words that have the same pronunciation or sound, but have a different meaning or refer to different things. These are terms with different origins or etymologies, but for some reason they have acquired the same name or pronunciation. Here is an explanation, origin and the 43 most used examples.

Diacritical Accent in Spanish Language

The diacritical accent mark in the Spanish language is the graphic accent (written accent mark) that allows us to distinguish words with the same spelling, but which are words that have different meanings and belong to different grammatical categories.

More Tips to Learn Spanish

There are many tips for learning a new language, especially the Spanish language. We share some of them based on our years of experience teaching the Spanish language.

Tips to learn Spanish Language Easier

Learning the Spanish language, as well as any other language is KEY to a globalized world. Learning Spanish will open doors to other cultures, business opportunities and be more competitive in business environments.

Cooking Bananas with Sweet Mole Recipe

Chocolate Mole Plantain recipe is a very special and typical Guatemalan dish, ideal for dessert lovers and especially for those who love chocolate. It is a mixture of chocolate, cooking bananas, cinnamon, sesame seeds and bell pepper.