Posted on Feb 05, 2023 |
There are many words that are widely used in the Spanish language that end in -ad, but they are frequently misspelled and also mispronounced.
In the Spanish language of Latin America, words ending in -ad can belong to two large groups: those that are nouns derived from adjectives, for example: caballerosidad (chivalry) or lealtad (loyalty). The second group is made up simply of words ending with the suffix -ad. For example: mitad (half) or enfermedad (disease).
Throughout Latin America, there is a linguistic custom of not pronouncing the letter D in words that end in -AD, and this has led to the fact that it is written without the letter D of the suffix as well.
Here are the most common examples of words ending in -ad. This is a list of words with the suffix -ad that are commonly pronounced and spelled incorrectly.
Mitad (half) |
Electricidad (electricity) |
Privacidad (privacy) |
Propiedad (property) |
Verdad (truth) |
Diversidad (diversity) |
Comunidad (community) |
Versatilidad (versatility) |
Oscuridad (darkness) |
Salubridad (healthiness) |
Curiosidad (curiosity) |
Casualidad (chance) |
Lealtad (loyalty) |
Novedad (novelty) |
Veracidad (veracity) |
Nacionalidad (nationality) |
Tempestad (storm) |
Velocidad (velocity) |
Peculiaridad (peculiarity) |