Pickled jalapeño peppers are a delicious accompaniment to Guatemalan meals, not to mention a staple for every Guatemalan family table. In our recipe the main ingredients are chilies, carrots, onions and spices.

What else can we tell you about this delicious chili recipe? It is well known, it is very traditional and at the same time it is so delicious with a semi-spicy flavor and we have to say that it is easy and quick to make..., honestly, we could not continue without including it in our list of traditional Guatemalan recipes. Below we share this "must do" recipe so you can prepare it to taste its exquisite spicy flavor.


  • 2 pounds of jalapeno peppers.
  • 1 dozen carrots.
  • 2 pounds of onion.
  • 8 garlic.
  • 1 cup of vinegar.
  • 1 sachet of Castile pepper.
  • 4 bay leaves.
  • 2 thyme leaves.
  • Olive oil
  • Salt to taste.

chile jalapeno guatemala


Step 1 : Wash the carrots (medium size) and cut them into slices.
Step 2 : Remember to remove the outer skin from the onions and make several julienne cuts.
Step 3 : Depending on your personal taste, you can cut the jalapeños in half, slice them, or leave them whole. But we would recommend doing it in slices.
Step 4 : Pour a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and carrot for a few minutes. Then a little bit of water, but just a little.
Step 5 : When the carrot is already “al dente” (this means "a little cooked"), add the jalapeños, oregano, bay leaf, vinegar, salt and pepper.
Step 6 : Stir all the ingredients well and bring to a boil. Finally, remove it from the heat and let it cool completely.

And it's done!
We recommend that you store the chili mixture in a glass jar. Enjoy !