We continue with the series of words commonly used in the kitchen in Guatemala and Latin America. Either to share with friends and family speaking in Spanish. Or following a recipe, here we share useful words and phrases for you to continue learning the Spanish language.

For this second series of words to study in the Spanish language, we share names of kitchen cookware and phrases that it is to hear in the kitchen and even at the dining table in Guatemala and Latin America.


Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen

Cooking Quotes

Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen
Common phrases in Spanish for kitchen