Following the previous post on “common email phrases in Spanish Language” we shared last week, we are continuing with another 27 key phrases you can use when writing an email in Spanish language. Sometimes, a simple direct translation is not the best option.

For this second post in a series of 4 posts, we are sharing common phrases for emails translated into Spanish language and particularly related to work. But some could also be useful in common personal email as well. Here is the list of phrases when composing an email related to different subjects :

  • shopping
  • notifications
  • confirmation
  • referencing
  • opening letter
  • reason...
  • Introduce yourself
  • applying for a job

Click on each image to enlarge :


Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails


Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails


Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails


Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails

Email Opening

Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails


Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails

Introduce yourself

Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails

Applying for a job or position

Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails
Common phrases in Spanish for emails